Llamas are Going to Save the World

    Reading time: About 1 minute.

  • Thursday, May 7, 2020
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There’s been a lot of talk about the use of llama anti-bodies in the news lately. Articles have recently run in the Washington Post and NY Times. Belgian researchers are looking to llamas to “build a bridge” to a potential Covid 19 vaccine. While the research involving the use of llama proteins and antibodies isn’t new, it is exciting. I have said for decades that “llamas are going to save the world”.

We’ve been raising them in Albemarle County, Virginia, since 1986. We are one of the oldest llama farms in the country. We know how therapeutic they are in reducing stress; connecting with autistic children; bringing joy to the elderly and/or convalesced, and more.

We share our llamas through agritourism by offering llama treks. And, recently, we’ve adjusted to offer virtual visits. We are fortunate to have to “stay at home” on a llama farm. Everyone should be so lucky.

Join us in a virtual visit, or plan to come out as soon as travel restrictions are lifted.
